The Vulnerable Hero Podcast



No truer statement has been said than this, "Hurt people hurt people, but healthy people heal people." In this episode find out how the Me Too Movement is an indication of pain and why it's more important now than ever to heal from pain and stop the perpetuation of pain in this world.

EP 23 Spirituality and Masculinity

In this episode Lucas discusses the three closely held viewpoints that people have - money, politics and spirituality. Find out why discussing spirituality is just as important as discussing politics or business.


EP 14 Your Trauma is Equal to Your Freedom

When we compare our story and our trauma with someone else's it only keeps us from experiencing our own freedom. Shame like comparison tells us that what we experienced wasn't "that" bad, but in order for us to experience the fullness of our freedom and healing we must ignore what shame says and have courage to face our fears.

EP 6 Seeing Your Resolutions and Dreams Become Reality

How many of us set New Year's Resolutions only to see them stop after a few weeks or months. How many of us have dreams for our lives, but play small and brace for impacts when in reality all we really want is to be free and see our deepest dreams come true? In this episode Lucas Mack lays out the five steps towards seeing your dreams and vision become reality and what keeps most people from receiving it.

EP 5 The Hope to Heal

The only way to make the greatest impact in the world is to first make the greatest impact on yourself. When we lose hope our hearts gets sick. However, there is hope and that hope is that you can free yourself, you can heal yourself and you can be the person you know you are destined for when you experience the fullness of love!

EP 4 Our Perfection is Found in Our Brokenness

Brokenness is actually the process of becoming perfect. Whatever you have gone through, whatever has happened to you has been for you to experience the profound power of love and healing. Find out why and how you can experience beauty after your brokenness!

EP 3 Badge of Honor or Shackles of Shame?

Are you letting your past pain and trauma be a badge of honor in your life? Do you think of what you went through with pride, yet never addressed the pain you truly felt when you were going through it? Be careful of the trap of using it as a badge of honor when you haven't gotten healing in those areas. If you aren't vulnerable and willing to open up fully, then that badge of honor is really your shackles of shame. Learn how to be free in this episode!


EP 2 Silencing Fear and Standing in Power

How to combat insecurity and fear and truly live a life of power by standing in the power of love. Lucas Mack shares what our ego does to keep us bound in time and space and what you can do to combat the fear and be free to make the biggest impact with everyone you encounter.

EP 1 The Vulnerable Hero

Welcome to The Vulnerable Hero Podcast Episode #1 with host Lucas Mack. This podcast is about defining vulnerability as the courage to experience love in its purest form. Lucas Mack says there is a vulnerable hero waiting to come out inside all of us. Find out in this episode how to bring forth your vulnerable hero! "There is nothing that you've done that cannot be forgiven. There is nothing that's been done to you that you can't forgive." - Lucas Mack

The Golden Rule Revolution Podcast


Living In Your Vision

King Solomon said, "Where there is a lack of vision, the people perish." That said, what is the vision for your life? Do you have one? If so, what is holding you back from living it? In this episode find out why vision is so important and what you can do to step into your vision and live your life and no one else's.

Vulnerability is Strength not Weakness [FOR THE MEN]

We have it all twisted. We think being strong is showing an absence of vulnerability. Wrong. Vulnerability is the essence of strength. The weak person is unwilling to go wherever, whenever. The vulnerable person who is strong is WILLING to go wherever, whenever in the face of shame and judgement and remain strong.

Have You Been Hit in the Name of Love?

This I feel is my most important message yet! Were you hit as a child in the name of love? Many of us have grown up in confusion and fear where the word love was directly correlated with being struck with either a hand or an object. It wasn't okay then and it's not okay now. Find out how to heal from the pain and why we get to be the generation to stop the perpetual abuse of love.


How to Be Emotionally Free

By acknowledging every single person who has caused you pain for the perfect role they played in your life to shape you into the powerful person you are today, you not only free yourself from the pain, but you also perform the true act of forgiveness. We all get to choose daily whether we will stand in our power and love, forgive, and heal those we come in contact with, or if we still crouch low in fear, pain, and trauma. Choose love. Choose forgiveness.


Are You a Child of Love or Fear?

We get to choose every single day which family we will belong to, whether we choose the family of love or the family of fear.


Honoring Your Space

Honoring your space means listening to your inner voice and teaching others how to treat you by treating yourself with love and increasing the light that you shine in this world. Find out what the result of dishonoring yourself does and why that causes more negativity in the world.